How do I use the Document Library

Store frequently requested documents to your library.

WARNING: You still need to add to documents when requested each time you complete an application.  These document are not automatically send to the department.

Using the Documents Library function (Desktop Edition)

From here you can access the documents in your library and access the management screen to add, delete or add names to their documents.

You can access the management screen by clicking either of these links.

As files are uploaded, the system will respond with the upload status and present you a table above the upload widget.

Documents are in the account and can be edited by clicking the edit button or a copy can be downloaded by clicking on the name. Now that these documents are in your account, as you apply, you will be able to select these documents during the application process.


To edit a document, click on the “Edit” link. A form will be presented. From here, you can change the title, assign a category, or delete the file. When you delete the file, it only removes the file from the document library. It does not affect the documents that have been shared with departments.


Here the document has been saved with its new name and category.

The documents and updates are reflected on the widget on the home page.

As you apply for the position, if there are documents in your document library, the select control will be presented alongside the file chooser. You can add multiple documents, you just need to click the “Add another document” link.

 In this case, a new page was setup that allows you to upload as many of your documents as you want to share with the department.


Here the three selected documents have been uploaded using the multi-uploader.


Using the Documents Library function (Mobile Edition)


Mobile home page showing the Documents Library


Expanded to list all of the documents and access the upload functionality.


Uploading a document, click on the upload area to select a document.


Uploading a document w/status….


Selecting a document from the document library for the file upload widget.


Document library multiple file selector.